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InTDS ArchivebyMatteo CourthoudUnderstanding Instrumental VariablesHow to estimate causal effects when you cannot randomize treatmentNov 13, 20234Nov 13, 20234
InShopify DatabyAntoine RebecqHow to Use Quasi-experiments and Counterfactuals to Build Great ProductsA/B tests aren’t the only tool to understand causality: quasi-experiments and counterfactuals are powerful tools for causal inference.Sep 30, 20202Sep 30, 20202
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InGrabNGoInfobyAmy @GrabNGoInfoOne-to-one Matching on Confounders Using Python Package Causal InferenceBias-adjusted one-to-one and one-to-many matching on Confounders in pythonSep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyAdrienne Klinepsmpy: Propensity Score Matching in Python!Performing propensity score matching in a python environment using a newly available library: psmpy (graphical plotting features…Mar 21, 202217Mar 21, 202217
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InTDS ArchivebyAleix Ruiz de VillaPropensity Scores and Inverse Probability Weighting in Causal InferenceA global overviewFeb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
InLyft EngineeringbyJohn KirnChallenges in ExperimentationIn this post, we provide an overview of capabilities we have deployed and a preview of our plans for the future.Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
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InTubi EngineeringbyNoah SilbertSwitchback Experimentation at TubiMichael Berk, Max Dorofiyenko, and Noah Silbert, Tubi Data ScienceOct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyMichael BerkHow to Optimize your Switchback A/B Test ConfigurationAn algorithm that determines the most effective randomization points for a switchback experiment.Jun 8, 20216Jun 8, 20216